Three Comrades

Concert Music

2019, Composed by Pavel Akimkina

Drag to move camera and use WASD to move position in the demo below

I co-orchestrated this ballet with Daria Novoliantceva, which premiered in late November 2019. Based on the novel by Erich Maria Remarque, "Three Comrades" is about three young men in 1928 Germany, who have been together since their school days, and later through war, and work in their shop and make a meager living fixing cars. All around them is crisis and despair, and more and more often disaffected and increasingly aggressive youths take to the streets. Robert, Gottfried, and Otto find support and happiness through their friendship. The movements that I orchestrated were "Meet," "Opera," "Mast," "Sea," "Death," "All Life," "Outfit," "Hospital," "War," and "Finale." This compilation video features part of "Hospital" from 0:30 until the end. For more info, visit