
Concert Music
Spatial Audio


Drag to move camera and use WASD to move position in the demo below

What would I want to look like had I never been told what I wanted? How comfortable would I feel in my own skin if the world had not constantly told me to be uncomfortable? I feel guilty wanting to look “good,” because why should I want that? How could it possibly be healthy for me to care so much about fitting within a standard that I can never possibly achieve? That nobody can? I feel like I don’t fully own my own body; I cannot shake the allure of fitting into the extremely narrow definition of beauty which our society has so glorified, and at the same time I know who I am and am upset with my failure to internalize my own autonomy. There is a certain kind of frustration to never knowing, truly, to your core, what would make you happy. To create this work, I built a vocoder in Max/MSP which analyzes the prevalent frequency at 34 different bands of a specific track and then tunes the corresponding bands of a separate track to those frequencies. I chose the song “Young and Beautiful” by Lana del Rey as the track to analyze because of its popularity as well as the subject matter of its lyrics. The song which I autotuned is a track of noise music that I created from a combination of synth sounds and random recordings from my field recorder. Whether or not the noise is beautiful or not is up to you, because at the end of the day it is what it is. I will performed this work by slowly dissolving away the autotune, because no matter how long I work in Max, I will never be able to make noise music actually sound like Lana Del Rey. The process of letting go of this convoluted and Sisyphean attempt to make crazy noise music sound like a pop track is meant as an attempt to let go of my attempt to conform to our rigid standards of beauty; a task just as unattainable. The visuals to "Frances" were created in Touch Designer and performed live in tandem with the audio. As the autotune of the track dissipates, the music video to "Young and Beautiful" collapses in on itself.